Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend updates

Already the end of the weekend is here. Time is moving with a hurried pace around here. Three of the interns will be joining us full time next week and there is still some that needs to be done.

Friday Richard from R.W. joined us for a day of intense plowing. Walter from Saint Joe's facilities department gave us a hand loading and hauling the tractor. In the morning the educational plot was tilled under and extended. We also took some time to get some of the walled garden prepped. After a yummy lunch at the Bon Appétit Cafe, we headed over to the Weeman Road. The field there hadn't been tilled under in nearly two decades. That proved to test Richard's mettle as he had to take several passes with the chisel tiller to break up the sod before making a number of passes with the roto-vater. The whole while Kaylie the farm dog from R.W. supervised the work.
After several passes with the roto-vater it was getting late so we called it a day. The plan was to give the sod a week to break down a little and then take another few passes. Much to my surprise Bruce (the fella that owns the land) was out the following afternoon with a tractor that he borrowed from a friend breaking up the sod further with a harrow attachment. With the educational plot ready and a tractor on site (with operator) at Weeman Road we are ready to move forward without further delay.

Today I am heading up to Mechanic Falls, about 30 minutes from the college to do some (very) late season pruning on an apple orchard that we will be sharing with Bev and Johnathon of Cedar Pines farm. They are an upstart farm that wanted to learn about apple growing. Together our two farms will be bringing the orchard back to production capacity. The orchard owner, Ms. Herrick, who is unable to tend to the trees these days is very excited to see them loved again.

Monday we will start the week with getting the word out about the upcoming Community Planting Celebration at the end of the month, and transplanting starts. Things are coming together quickly. . .

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