Saturday, September 24, 2011

Awesome Farm Boss Experience!

I got to be in charge of the Farm while the real Farm Boss Myke, was away at the common ground fair! I LOVE being the farm boss! It is such an incredible experience!

(Tim falling in love with Pat, helping him get unstuck every time he cries)

Day 1:
Farm boss duties completed:
1. Pick corn stocks and pick the corn off of them. Tim and I picked the corn and I had fun running through the corn field. Because I was the boss and I could do whatever I wanted!
2. Plant lettuce and Swiss chard. I had fun planting and getting super dirty in the process. However it was a super muggy day and I have 19 bug bites...and STILL counting!
3. Pick green beans. While I was planting, Tim was picking green beans!
4. Herding the (not very smart) turkeys and goats back into their home. That was pretty easy!

(Rocky being all manly and awesome. Rocky's a pretty amazing goat, he followed me around everywhere after I gave him some leaves.)

(Turkeys trying to get me in trouble while I was the farm boss, but I showed them who was boss and got them down safely without harming any plants OR turkeys!)

After that I pretty much smelled like turkey poo for the last few stops I made before heading home. It was okay though because it turns out if you smell like turkey poo you get really fast service!

Day 2:
Still being a super awesome farm boss!

After the Lobster Bake I noticed that one of the sheepies were in the wrong part of the pasture as all the other sheepies and super amazing Amall (The Llama!) So. I got to herd her back in with Amall. Amall was so cool he ran along the other pasture with me and the sheep. It was fun! Amall stopped freaking out when his sheep was back in his protection and he thanked me by letting me pet him. All the students/parents pulling out of the college were also pretty amazed by the fact I was in the pasture with Amall and the sheep!

Day 3:
All the animals still love me and are pretty amazing. All and all, I am sure they will be glad to see Myke again, and I will gladly pass on my Temporary "Farm Boss" Title back down to the most amazing farm boss I have ever met, Myke Russell. (No sucking up intended!)

However, I am more than willing to be Farm Boss again! And I loved the experience!
Oh well, back to being the employee on Tuesday!
(I got this!)
(Genesis and I hanging out!)

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