Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Farm update - this one could be a long one. . .

. . . as it should be after so much time without posting.

We have been busy here at Pearson's Town with so many projects to do and our transition to the Mercy Center happening this week.

The Ed field is so very different from this time last year. Then we needed a boat and the plants needed snorkels (those that were surviving). Now things are lush and green and we are able to get produce to both the cafe and the food pantry. Last year our herbs were languishing, this year we have so many I am worried about space. Last year the Kinder-Garden couldn't get off the ground because of the dismal weather (though I will mention that their garden grew the best last year), this year we have had two events (if you include the planting day) and their garden is still growing the best (kids ARE magical).

Already we have seen greens, garlic scapes, collards, kale, kohlrabi,cabbage, radishes, peas, chard and even patty pan squash coming out of the fields. This is the time of year that I personally feel so alive because the fields are not just art, but they are producing life that can be shared.

Buster and the gang are finally out to pasture. Fence maintenance took a little longer than planned, but we were able to make them functional enough to enclose those wily beasts while finishing up the work. Security tells us that Amall the llamahas been doing a superb job chasing foxes, turkeys and other visitors out of the fields. An investment well made!! Many thanks again to the Snell's.

A surprise that came to us was the addition of the U.S. and Maine state flags.They, along with the repair of our flag pole were donated by a very special benefactor to whom we are deeply indebted and can never say thank you enough!!

And so we progress. As I am typing Mark is out tilling up the new Catherine's Cupboard Garden.With some grant money and permission from the school we were able to create a separate growing space for clients of the cupboard. Here they will be able to have some space to grow their own, we will run workshops and we will be able to share more with those in need.

Many other things are status quo. We are still in search of funding for a tractor (and a tractor itself!!), this will make our composting operation and some of our field expansions a world easier. In the meantime we are learning a new respect (or a growing respect for those of us who have been around a while) for our forefathers who had to do it ALL by hand.

Alright, I have to get back out there. . . stay tuned for updates from THE POULTRY PALACE!

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