Monday, April 30, 2012

And so it begins!

As the school year winds down, we had our first ever CSA orientation with folks that have bought into the farm. It was a wonderful opportunity to have a broad spectrum of ages and backgrounds in attendance. From a Sister of Mercy to a Soccer Coach, to the baby being carried on her momma's belly, everyone came out to learn a bit more about where their veg will be coming this season.
We took a tour of the farm and talked a bit about what makes Pearson's Town different from other farms. We spent time with the critters. We sat around and supped (is that a real word?) on some tasty goodies that were prepared by some students from the Senior Sem Class (thanks ladies!) made from ingredients that we will be growing on the farm.
While growing food is definitely an important part of what we do, growing community is my favorite part! Having people come out and invest themselves in one of the most fundamental jobs mankind has ever had is powerfully simple.
And so, the 2012 season begins soon. Our new interns will be starting right after commencement so that we can maintain continuity through the transition from spring to summer. In the coming days our summer interns will be helping out with the blog, keeping folks updated on events and activities at the farm. I think that their perspective is most important as it shows the real growth on the farm as we become more student driven.
Check back often, and don't forget to participate in our surveys.

More to come. . .

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